XXV National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems - I Conference of SIFS (CANCELLED)

June 29th - July 01st 2020
Aula Magna of the University of Parma, Palazzo Centrale, via Università, 12, Parma (ITALY)

Dear friends,

the SIFS Executive Commitee, in agreement with the Scientific and Organizing Committee, has decided to cancel the XXV National Conference of Statistical Physics and Complex Systems - I SIFS Conference scheduled from 29th June to 1st July 2020 at University of Parma, due to the persistence of the emergency linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the Assembly of associates of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics - SIFS will take place anyway, with telematic methods that will soon be communicated to the members and on the SIFS official web-site.
We are very sorry not to be able to welcome you again to Parma this year!

The Organizing Committee

Italian Society of Statistical Physics- SIFS

On 20th May 2019 the "Italian Society of Statistical Physics" - SIFS was founded in Florence.
The next Assembly of the Members will be held on 30th June 2020: all the Members will be able to participate in the Assembly if in good standing with the SIFS 2020 membership fee.

Further information can be found on the official Society's website https://www.fisicastatistica.org/ or by contacting info@fisicastatistica.org.


Scientific Committee

  • Guido Caldarelli - Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca
  • Sergio Caracciolo - Università di Milano
  • Lucilla de Arcangelis - Università della Campania
  • Vittorio Loreto - SONY Computer Science Laboratories & Sapienza Universita di Roma
  • Rosario Mantegna - Università degli Studi di Palermo
  • Matteo Marsili - ICTP Trieste & INFN
  • Riccardo Zecchina - Università Bocconi, Milano

Organizing Committee

  • Raffaella Burioni - Università di Parma
  • Davide Cassi - Università di Parma
  • Alessandro Vezzani - IMEM-CNR Parma
  • Work in progress...

Scientific Secretariat

  • Marco Mancastroppa - Università di Parma
  • Victor Buendia Ruiz-Azuaga - Università di Parma e Universidad de Granada
  • Andrea Guizzo - Università di Parma


Tuesday, June 29th 2020


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