9:30-9:50 | registrazione |
9:50-10:30 | Alexander Blumen - Universität Freiburg (D)
Continuous time random walks and continuous time quantum walks
Recent years have seen a growing interest in dynamical quantum
processes; thus it was
found that the electronic energy transfer through photosynthetic
antennae displays quantum
features, aspects known from the dynamics of charge carriers
along polymer backbones and
of excitations in quantum gases. Hence, in modelling energy
transfer one has to extend the
classical, master-equation-type formalism and incorporate
quantum-mechanical aspects, while
still taking into account the complex network of molecules over
which the transport takes
Interestingly, the continuous time random walk (CTRW) scheme, widely employed in modelling transport in random environments, is mathematically very close to quantum- mechanical Hamiltonians of tight-binding type[1]; a simple way to see it is to focus on the time-evolution operators in statistical and in quantum mechanics: The transformation to the quantal domain leads then to continuous-time quantum walks (CTQWs). Now, while the CTQW problem is then linear, and thus many results obtained in solving CTRWs (such as eigenvalues and eigenfunctions) can be readily reutilized for CTQWs, the physically relevant properties of the two models differ vastly: In the absence of traps CTQWs are time-inversion symmetric and no energy equipartition takes place at long times. Also, the quantum system keeps memory of the initial conditions, a fact exemplified by the occurrence of quasi-revivals [1]. In this talk we will discuss this and additional features, such as the topology dependence of CTQWs, ranging from very efficient transport on regular lattices [2] to localization and trapping effects on small-world networks [3] and on fractal and hyperbranched structures [4]. We will furthermore compare the CTQW results to the corresponding CTRW results on topologically equivalent networks. This allows us to systematically explore the similarities and differences between purely classical and purely quantum-mechanical processes [1, 4]. [1] O. Mülken and A. Blumen; Phys. Rev. E 71, 036128 (2005); Phys. Rev. E 73, 066117 (2006); Physics Reports 502, 37 (2011) [2] O. Mülken, V. Bierbaum, and A. Blumen; J. Chem. Phys. 124, 124905 (2006). [3] O. Mülken, V. Pernice, and A. Blumen; Phys. Rev. E 76, 051125 (2007) [4] E. Agliari, A. Blumen, and O. Mülken; J. Phys. A 41, 445301 (2008); Phys. Rev. A 82, 012305 (2010); Intern. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 20, 271 (2010) |
10:30-10:50 | Alessandro Silva - ICTP Trieste
Statistics of the work done in a quantum quench, universality and the
critical Casimir effect.
I discuss a few complementary
characterizations of the response of a strongly correlated
quantum system to a sudden quench of one of its control
parameters. After exploring various intriguing connections
between quantum quenches, X-ray edge singularities and the
Critical Casimir effect, I focus on quantum critical systems
and describe in detail how universality is encoded in the
fidelity susceptibility, in the statistics of the work done in
a quench at low energies and in the asymptotics of correlators
out of equilibrium.
10:50-11:10 | Pierpaolo Vivo - ICTP Trieste
Phase transitions in the quantum
transport problem
Linear statistics on ensembles of
random matrices occur frequently in many applications. I
present a general method to compute probability distributions
of linear statistics for large matrix size N. This is applied
to the calculation of full probability distribution of
conductance and shot noise for ballistic scattering in chaotic
cavities, in the limit of large number of open electronic
channels. The method is based on a mapping to a Coulomb gas
problem in Laplace space, displaying phase transitions as the
Laplace parameter is varied. As a consequence, the sought
distributions generally display a central Gaussian region
flanked on both sides by non-Gaussian tails, and weak
non-analytic points at the junction of the two regimes. I also
briefly discuss the case of Andreev reflection between a
normal-superconductor interface in the random
scattering-matrix approach.
11:10-11:40 | pausa |
11:40-12:20 | Mario Nicodemi - Università di Napoli Federico II
Symmetry Breaking at X-Chromosome Inactivation
female mammal embryo, X-Chromosome Inactivation is the vital
process whereby each cell inactivates one, randomly selected X
to equalize X products w.r.t. males. Such a chromosome wide
stochastic regulation has attracted substantial interests
because it is unknown how the X's undergo random, yet opposite
fates. We proposed a possible physical explanation: a Symmetry
Breaking mechanism, with a related set of new 'particles'
involved and a corresponding phase diagram. Our model,
confirmed by recent experiments in Harvard, describes how a
'blocking' complex, responsible for protecting the bound X
from inactivation, is self-assembled and why only one is
formed out of many diffusible molecules, resulting in a
spontaneous symmetry breaking in the binding to two identical
12:20-12:40 | Silvio de Siena - Università di Salerno
Allometry and growth: a unified view
Allometry is crucial
in biology - scaling relations are implied in laws of growth
of living systems. The self similarity of Gompertzian growths
of biological organisms plays a key role, in this regard, in
biological similitude. The origin of allometric relationships
and values of the scaling exponents is a source of debate; as
well as the origin of the range of biological scales.
Encompass these aspects in a unified view is an interesting
target. We propose a coarse but significant model. The model
assumes underlying fluctuations as the origin of both
(allometry and growth) and generates the biological sizes
through Gompertz maps. The scheme works as well for
astrophysical structures. The inclusion of so different
systems suggests applications to fields where allometry is
emerging, as economy, urban planning and the social sciences.
The deep origin and a better understanding of the stochastic
background is the challenging goal of future investigations.
12:40-13:00 | Rachele Nerattini - Università di Firenze
On a microcanonical relation between continuous and discrete spin models
Energy landscape methods make use of the stationary points of the energy function of a system to infer some of its collective properties. Recently this approach has been applied to equilibrium phase transitions, showing that a connection between some properties of the energy landscape and the occurrence of a phase transition exists at least for certain classes of models. We considered classical spin models and found that a relation between a class of stationary points of the energy landscape of continuous spin models on a lattice and the configurations of a Ising model defined on the same lattice exists and suggests an approximate expression for the microcanonical density of states in terms of the energy density of the Ising model. Assuming this approximation is correct close to the phase transition implies that the critical energy density of a O(n) model with ferromagnetic interactions on a lattice is equal to that of the n = 1 case, i.e., a system of Ising spins with the same interactions. This holds true in the case of long-range interactions, and at least in the special case of the mean-field XY model the expression of the density of states in terms of the Ising one can be exactly derived. For nearest-neighbor interactions, numerical results are consistent with the equality of critical energy densities for n = 2 and n = 3 in three dimensions. According to the approximation, also the critical energy of the Berezinskij-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition for n = 2 in two dimensions (XY model) should be equal to that of the two-dimensional Ising model. However, numerical results show that the critical energies of these two models are different, although close, the difference being around 2%. The transition energies may be really equal for all cases but the BKT one, due to very different nature of the BKT phase transitions with respect to the ferromagnetic one; otherwise, transition energies might be equal only for the long-range case and different in all the other cases, with a difference that is very small and not masked by numerical errors only in the BKT case. Numerical investigations will hopefully help to clarify this point. Reference: PRL 106, 057208 (2011)
13:00-14:30 | pausa pranzo |
14.30-15.30 | sessione poster |
15:30-15:50 | Matteo Colangeli - Politecnico di Torino
Metodi di operatori di proiezione in teoria della risposta
È noto che i volumi degli spazi di fase, nei
sistemi dinamici dissipativi, contraggano (in media) e,
pertanto, il supporto della misura invariante risulta essere
un attrattore frattale. Seguendo i lavori di
vari Autori [cf.
D. Ruelle, General linear response formula in statistical
mechanics, and the
fluctuation-dissipation theorem far from
equilibrium, Physics Letters A (1998)], questo potrebbe
indurre a
credere che alcune serie limitazioni affliggano la
validità dei teoremi di fluttuazione-dissipazione in
statistica. In questo Lavoro, mostriamo come, in realtà, la
Fisica riguardi essenzialmente
la proiezione della dinamica da
sistemi alto-dimensionali a sistemi con pochi gradi di
libertà . Questa
procedura di proiezione riduce grandemente la
possibilità di incontrare situazioni "patologiche" nelle
15:50-16:10 | Alessio Turchi Università di Firenze
Dynamics and equilibrium properties of β-HMF long range
Long range interacting systems have been found to possess unique
equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium features, but still now
there are only a few applications to real physical systems.
The new β-HMF model we propose here is a modification of
well known HMF toy-model by adding a continuous range
parameter, thus trying to extend its applicability. This model
has a completely different dynamic and shows interesting
self-organization properties. At equilibrium it
self-consistently defines a crystal lattice at low energies
and shows multiple phase transitions between different
thermodynamical states characterized by different structures.
Even if the dynamics of the model are completely different
from the HMF we were able to recover many features from that
model. We were able to solve the model analytically for finite
sizes and obtain the equilibrium distribution function.
Results show that the HMF magnetization transition curve is
perfectly reproduced for a wide range of parameters, thus
showing thermodynamical equivalence to the HMF.
16:10-16:30 | Stefano Pierini Università di Napoli Parthenope
Coherence resonance and stochastic tipping points in climate
The concepts of relaxation oscillation and
excitable system play a fundamental role in
explaining abrupt climate changes such as the
glacial terminations and the Dansgaard-Oeschger
events on the millennial time scale, and the
Kuroshio Extension (KE) bimodal variability on a
much smaller (decadal) time scale. A crucial
aspect currently under debate is whether these
abrupt transitions are associated with a global
bifurcation (or "tipping point") being exceeded,
in which case precursors could be identified, or
if they are rather excited by fast "noise"
dynamics through the
coherence resonance (CR)
mechanism, with an external periodic forcing
(e.g., a Milankovitch cycle) possibly acting as a pacemaker.
In this communication these aspects are considered in the context of the KE bimodality, chosen as a significant oceanic case study. Results of numerical simulations based on both a geophysical fluid dynamics PDE model and a low-order (4D) ODE model are used to investigate general phenomena such as: the intrinsically induced variability, Hopf, period-doubling and homoclinic bifurcations and transition to chaos, homoclinic orbits as relaxation oscillations and related stable and unstable manifolds, CR and phase selection. Finally, the new concept of stochastic tipping points is proposed with the aim of reconciling, at least formally, the bifurcation and CR views. |
16:30-17:00 | pausa |
17:00-17:40 | Maurizio Serva - Università dell'Aquila
Automated languages phylogeny from Levenshtein distance
idea that the distance among pairs of languages can be
evaluated from lexical differences seems to have its roots in
the work of the French explorer Dumont D'Urville. He collected
comparative words lists of various languages during his
voyages aboard the Astrolabe from 1826 to 1829 and, in his
work about the geographical division of the Pacific, he
proposed a method to measure the degree of relation between
languages. The method used by the modern glottochronology,
developed by Morris Swadesh in the 1950s, measures distances
from the percentage of shared cognates, which are words with a
common historical origin. The weak point of this method is
that subjective judgment plays a relevant role. In fact, even
if cognacy decisions are made by trained and experienced
linguists, they typically vary for different authors.
Recently, we have proposed a new automated method which is
motivated by the analogy with genetics. The new approach has
some advantages: the first is that it avoids subjectivity, the
second is that results can be replicated by other scholars
assuming that the database is the same, the third is that it
is not requested a specific expertize in linguistic, and the
last, but surely not the least, is that it allows for a rapid
comparison of a very large number of languages. The distance
between two languages is defined by considering a renormalized
Levenshtein distance between pair of words with the same
meaning and averaging on the words contained in a list. The
renormalization, which takes into account the length of the
words, plays a crucial role, and no sensible results can be
found without it. In this paper we give a short review of our
automated method and we illustrate it by the Indo-European
family and the cluster of Malagasy dialects, showing in both
cases that it is able find out new important aspects of the
languages relationships.
17:40-18:00 | Stefano Luccioli - CNR-ISC Firenze
breathers as energy-accumulating centres in a protein model.
We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of an
off-lattice protein model featuring a physical force-field and
amino-acid sequence. We show that localised modes of nonlinear
origin, discrete breathers (DB), emerge naturally as
continuations of a subset of high-frequency normal modes
residing at specific sites dictated by the native fold. In the
case of the small beta-barrel structure that we consider,
DB-mediated localization occurs on the turns connecting the
strands. At high energies, discrete breathers stabilise the
structure by concentrating energy on few sites, while their
collapse marks the onset of large-amplitude fluctuations of
the protein. Furthermore, we show how breathers develop as
energy-accumulating centres following perturbations even at
distant locations, thus mediating efficient and irreversible
energy transfers. Remarkably, due to the presence of angular
potentials, the breather induces a local static distortion of
the native fold. Altogether, the combination of this two
nonlinear effects may provide a ready means for remotely
controlling local conformational changes in proteins. Ref: S.
Luccioli, A. Imparato, S. Lepri, F. Piazza and A. Torcini,
"Discrete breathers in a realistic coarse-grained model of
proteins", to appear in Physical Biology 2011.
18:00-18:20 | Mario Alberto Annunziata - CNR-ISC Roma
Segregation as a phase transition in granular matter
We present extensive Monte Carlo simulations on species segregation in a granular mixture of hard spheres
subjected to vertical tap. By varying the diameter ratio σ and the density ratio ρ, we find
Brazil Nut effect (larger particles on top, BN) and Reverse Brasil Nut effect (larger particles on bottom, RBN)
and we show that the BN - RBN passage can turn into a second-order phase transition. Further, from the
(σ, ρ)-phase diagram of the system we find a generalisation of Archimedes’ principle for
granular matter.
18:20-18:40 | Leonardo Banchi - Università di Firenze
Ballistic quantum information transfer and effective entangling gate through homogeneous quantum wires
Effective quantum-state and entanglement transfer can be obtained by inducing a coherent dynamics in quantum
wires with homogeneous intrawire interactions [1,2]. This goal is accomplished by optimally tuning the
coupling between the wire endpoints and the two qubits there attached. A general procedure to determine such
value is devised, and scaling laws between the optimal coupling and the length of the wire are found. The
procedure is implemented in the case of a wire consisting of a spin-1/2 XY chain: results for the time
dependence of the quantities which characterize quantum-state and entanglement transfer are found of
extremely good quality also for very long wires. The present approach neither requires engineered intrawire
interactions nor a specific initial pulse shaping, and can be applied to any quantum channels interacting
through a quasi-free Hamiltonian, i.e. an Hamiltonian that can be cast into a quadratic form in terms of some
creation and annihilation operator. Thanks to the above optimization procedure, the transmission quality is not substantially affected by the initial state of the wire. However, in general without optimization and with more complex interacting Hamiltonians, the transmission strongly depends also on the initial state, which hence has to be engineered [3]. The proposed scheme is not only suitable for transmitting states from one wire endpoint to the other one, but it can also be used for exchanging information between the endpoints contemporaneously. In particular, in Ref. [4] we show that the optimal dynamics described in the previous section generates an effective entangling gate between the distant endpoints, and permits hence to create long-distance entanglement. References [1] L. Banchi, T. J. G. Apollaro, A. Cuccoli, R. Vaia, P. Verrucchi, Phys. Rev. A 82, 052321, (2010).[2] L. Banchi, T. J. G. Apollaro, A. Cuccoli, R. Vaia, P. Verrucchi, arXiv:1105.6058 [3] A. Bayat, L. Banchi, S. Bose, P. Verrucchi, arXiv:1104.0718 [4] L. Banchi, A. Bayat, P. Verrucchi, S. Bose, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 140501, (2011) |